Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Be careful What you Say

I read an article a while back that rebutted another article that called retiring union school members Rats jumping off a sinking ship.  I will agree that the first writer is wrong in calling people names and they do have the right to retire if they want, I will go so far to say that they have earned the right thought their service of their job.  The only problem with the writers rebuttal is that they went on to say want the Governor of WI had done to union members was akin to making them slaves to the wishes of there employer.  There in lies the problem you say something very smart ( people have right to do what they want without recourse) but ruin the entire article by linking anything to slavery.  I am quite sure that having a job any job is not the same as being forced to leave your home against your will and work for free.  We all are passionate but please read what you say before you print it because no one will listen to the good parts if the other parts offend.

all men are created equal all jobs are not.

Monday, December 19, 2011

ShoreMaster DreamScapes Promotion

Happy almost Christmas to everyone.  I have stepped down off of my soapbox to let you know if you or your family have any type of waterfront that ShoreMaster has the promotion for you.  ShoreMaster will be giving out over $250,000 DOLLARS in prizes by the end of April 2012.  to enter is simple just go to:

and please win BIG and don't forget tell them Jim sent Ya

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Senior citizens greediest generation Really?

Patty Myers said she wanted this passed along so I will.  I think she makes some good points.  I hope you will read and form your own opinions on how we fix our financial futures.

Alan Simpson, Senator from Wyoming , Co-Chair of Obama's deficit commission, calls senior citizens the Greediest Generation as he compared "Social Security" to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats.

August, 2010.

Here's a response in a letter from PATTY MYERS in Montana .. I think she is a little ticked off! She also tells it like it is!

Listen up. Direct from Ms Myers:

"Hey Alan, let's get a few things straight..

1. As a career politician, you have been on the public dole for FIFTY YEARS.

2. I have been paying Social Security taxes for 48 YEARS (since I was 15 years old. I am now 63).

3 My Social Security payments, and those of millions of other Americans, were safely tucked away in an interest bearing account for decades until you political pukes decided to raid the account and give OUR money to a bunch of zero ambition losers in return for votes, thus bankrupting the system and turning Social Security into a Ponzi scheme that would have made Bernie Madoff proud..

4. Recently, just like Lucy & Charlie Brown, you and your ilk pulled the proverbial football away from millions of American seniors nearing retirement and moved the goalposts for full retirement from age 65 to age 67. NOW, you and your shill commission is proposing to move the goalposts YET AGAIN.

5. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying into Medicare from Day One, and now you morons propose to change the rules of the game. Why? Because you idiots mismanaged other parts of the economy to such an extent that you need to steal money from Medicare to pay the bills.

6. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying income taxes our entire lives, and now you propose to increase our taxes yet again. Why? Because you incompetent bastards spent our money so profligately that you just kept on spending even after you ran out of money. Now, you come to the American taxpayers and say you need more to pay off YOUR debt.

To add insult to injury, you label us "greedy" for calling "bullcrap" on your incompetence. Well, Captain Bullcrap, I have a few questions for YOU.

1. How much money have you earned from the American taxpayers during your pathetic 50-year political career?

2. At what age did you retire from your pathetic political career, and how much are you receiving in annual retirement benefits from the American taxpayers?

3. How much do you pay for YOUR government provided health insurance?

4. What cuts in YOUR retirement and health care benefits are you proposing in your disgusting deficit reduction proposal, or, as usual, have you exempted yourself and your political cronies?

It is you, Captain Bullcrap, and your political co-conspirators called Congress who are the "greedy" ones. It is you and your fellow nutcases who have bankrupted America and stolen the American dream from millions of loyal, patriotic taxpayers. And for what? Votes.

That's right, sir. You and yours have bankrupted America for the sole purpose of advancing your pathetic political careers. You know it, we know it, and you know that we know it.

And you can take that to the bank, you miserable SOB.

Monday, October 17, 2011

McDonalds again Tomah WI. Monopoly

So here is a little story for all my friends in BlogLand.  it all started about 21 years ago I worked for McDonald's in Duluth MN and did what they called their local store marketing and the very 1st Monopoly promotion came out I worked ties with the local cable company and the car dealer for a few nice ti ins.  Since that time each year when it's monopoly game time.   I play it because it brings back memories.  This year is no different.  Each year they try to get you to buy a certain menu items and if I am going to eat food that is not very good for me then I want to max out the game pieces.  This year you get extra game pieces for going large with your meal ( I guess calling it super size was a little to close to home for some of their customers ) but they take away the medium drink so you only gain two pieces.  So I thought why not trade in the large cup to a medium and keep all the extra pieces.  Well at first this worked fine all the McDonald's I stopped at were happy to swap the cup, until I got to Tomah WI. where I asked the same request and a manager said that I could not do that.  I asked why (because the other stores had done that for me) and she said that it was in the rules that McDonald's had sent them so I wondered are they in the rules that the public gets she said no.  I asked her if the rules weren't published to us (in the official rules) how could they stop my request and where do I get a copy of the rules.  I was told if I contacted McDonald's that maybe they would send me the rules.  So I had one final question if it was not during Monopoly could I trade in the cup from large to medium and she said of course.  OK lets just process my order so I can go home.  when I got my order (with the large cup) I left it on the counter and she yelled to me that I forgot my cup I answered back I don't think so.  the good news is I can remove another of the McDonald's off of my list to ever stop at again.

As for the Monopoly slogan 1 in 4 wins I DON'T feel like one of the 4

Monday, October 3, 2011

Treat donated clothes right

Treat donated cloths right

A great thing happened this summer a company called usagain put boxes (like very large mail boxes) around town to donate clothing.  Goodwill is all the way across town as many of us we box up our used clothes and wait to donate them.  The usagain boxes let me drive only a half mile away and donate same day.  The other day I saw something that disturbed me but first more on usagain from their website http://www.usagain.com/ 

 USAgain is a green for-profit enterprise that collects used clothes and resells them worldwide to conserve precious natural resources and greenhouse gases. We provide thousands of convenient locations across the U.S. where you can drop off your gently used clothes and shoes any time of the day, any day of the year. For the clothes you no longer use, we provide an easy, eco-friendly way to remove them from your closet! What's more, the clothes are given a second life at affordable prices for people who can't afford brand new clothes. It's a win-win-win proposition.

Now I think their statement and use of the clothing is a great cause but back to what I saw.  One afternoon I saw the usagain truck and a person emptying the box, the problem was that instead of walking the clothes over to the truck and putting them in it he was throwing the clothes into the street behind the truck.  Now if you are like me I clean the clothes before I donate them and it is a mute point if they are going to thrown onto the ground before collection and as I said not just the ground but in the street.  I would think that you could respect the clothes walk them to the truck and put them in it.  It will for me make me think twice before I donate clothes to them. A quote I am sure I heard somewhere is

"To donate is divine to see clothes thrown into the street is wrong and just makes me MAD"

Friday, September 16, 2011

Wash Your Hands...

We have all seen this Sign before and what it had always meant to me before was the restaurant was committed to not spreading GERMS.  I saw sign like this the other day and the thought occurred that maybe the true purpose of the sign is that the employees can't remember to wash their hands without the SIGN.  So now if I don't see the sign in the restroom I think to myself uh-oh dirty hand touching my food I hope I don't die.  Nobody wants to eat a pb-n-pee Sandwich.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Chuck Norris Jokes And Band Camp Don't Mix

My son J.R. goes to band camp each year and he also finds himself a comedian.  So this year at camp they had a talent show and J.R. does what J.R. does best he tells jokes.  This year his jokes of choice were Chuck Norris jokes, a sample goes as follows:
  1. When Chuck Norris was born the only person who cried was the doctor.  NEVER slap Chuck Norris
  2. If at first you don't succeed your not Chuck Norris
  3. Chuck Norris once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills, they made Him BLINK
  4. Chuck Norris gives blood often, just NOT his own
  5. Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch, HE decides what time it is
  6. Chuck Norris once kicked a horse in the chin, Its descendants are know today as GIRAFFES
He was booed off  the stage, who would have know that Chuck Norris and Band Camp Don't mix

A wise man once said "It's hard to laugh at funny things with a trumpet stuck up your BUTT".

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Social Media There's Still Time

Social Media There's Still Time

Social media is not a train

Social media is not a Airplane

Social media is not a Bus

Contrary to what the some of the big talking heads have said you have not missed the opportunities that social media brings. There will always be another Train, Plane or Bus you may be behind the competition but all it take is time and hard work and you can ketch up.  Here is an outline of the process you need to follow.
  1. Do Something (the answer will never be found in not trying)
  2. Read a book,( Social media Reading list suggestions http://bit.ly/nXvhUk  ) get online and search out the topics you are interested in. (there are great tutorials on line)
  3. Set your goals (what am I trying to accomplish) and how to measure those goals
  4. Choose what your going to tackle first (don't get to many projects all started at once and never finish one)
  5. Make sure your entities are all tied together.(working as one to complement each other)
  6. Worry less about the form and worry more about the function (bad spelling(see ketch up above) poor punctuation and not the prettiest web sites won't stop you from being successful)
A wise man once told me that quitters never win and winners never quit.  Well in that case I would rather WIN

Social Media Reading List


  1. Groundswell
  2. Meatball Sundae: Is Your Marketing Out Of Sync?

  3. The Whuffie Factor
  4. Power Shift
  5. the New rules of marketing and PR

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Why Can't free be FREE

Have you ever noticed how everything starts out in life as free.  Even your life starts out as free with your parents footing the bill.  As you grow up even the things that were free are no longer.  one example is public school sports they used to be free, to maintain the freeness they started to add user fees so that if you don't want to play it's still free figure that one out.  It also seems that many other services (to many to mention) start out free and then they hit you with the premium package (and we all know that there is nothing good that's not a premium).  So I have a new idea so all these companies and other entities let's just start calling a duck a duck and stop selling me a duck and trying to tell I bought a goose.  Or better yet stop selling me the free duck then telling me that for a small upgrade I can have the goose package.

A wise man one told me if you teach a man to fish he can feed himself.
If you keeping screwing with people you just going to piss them off.
Martin Luther King Jr.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

6 Reasons Why Geeks are Better Lovers

Geeks Are Good At Relationships

1. Geeks Are Sensitive and Loving

Geeks are usually sweet, sensitive, loving people with big hearts. A genuine geek is selfless, and he or she would never intentionally hurt you. A geek has been made fun of before, and he knows what it’s like to be hurt. He has a firsthand understanding of human emotions. He isn’t afraid to show his sensitive side, and can love on a deeper level because of it.

2. Geeks Have Seen It All

Let’s face it, geeks aren’t known for gettin some on Saturday night; however, they are known for watching Internet porn. There is a very good chance that your seemingly innocent geek guy has seen it all… online. As a result, he’s not going to think it’s strange when you want to bust out with some fun toys, some kinky movies, or even a playful friend. If he’s a gamer geek, he may even be used to role-playing, and he will probably be open to that too. Geeks have great imaginations and are very passionate. You can definitely use this to your advantage.

3. Geeks Don’t Cheat

Your geek guy probably wonders how the heck he was able to get you in the first place, and he’s certainly not going to do anything to jeopardize your relationship. Besides, it takes a hell of a lot of energy and social skills to maintain an affair for any length of time. Your geek will most likely prefer to put that extra energy elsewhere, into something much more productive.

Geeks Are Good At Relationships

4. Geeks Put You First

Loyalty is very, very important to most geeks. Once a geek loves you, unless you do something foolish to lose trust, he or she will always love you. Geeks are typically creative, and as Misty pointed out in her recent 5 Traits of Creative People article, creative people like challenges. Geeks are typically good problem solvers.
Your geek will most likely want to be with you until you end it someday. He or she will put you first, and it might very well be one of the most fulfilling relationships you’ve ever had. Geek love is a special kind of love, full of child-like innocence and honesty. According to Jean Carroll, Elle magazine’s love and sex advice columnist, “A geek is an excellent provider and a guy who puts you first. He’ll turn out to be a great father and a great husband.“

5. Geeks Are Inherently Romantic

Many geeks haven’t been in a lot of relationships. Whereas the jock guy might think it’s a pain-in-the-butt to buy you roses or leave you love notes, a geek guy appreciates these opportunities and looks forward to them. I know geek girls that spend months planning the perfect Valentine’s evening for their guy. Geeks love romance and adventure, and they are always excited to make you happy with an unexpected surprise. It’s never a bother or a burden for them.

6. Geeks Have Big Brains

Scientists, family therapists and psychologists all agree that our brain is the most important sexual organ. We all know that geeks have big brains. Because of that, even though they are many times naive and a bit inexperienced, they have an strong sense of self-confidence. Deep down, they know they are smart and they’ve got the goods. They aren’t going to be sucking in their stomach or staring in the mirror making sure they look perfect. They are already confident with themselves, and their focus is on you. You are the very lucky king or queen in your geek’s eyes. Don’t be afraid to get involved with any of us geeks. The experience might, just might, surprise you.

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.” ~Miss Piggy

Monday, June 20, 2011

LinkedIn Lions

The Lion Within Us

Just a quick update about our friendly tool LinkedIn,  don't forget to look up the people that you link to there are a lot of people out there that are after numbers only and don't care about the quality of the contacts.  Another quick note is just because SOMEONE you know or work with is linked to someone else that does not mean that they should be a link of yours.  Remember that the only contact that you need are ones that can be mutually beneficial.  In closing the LION can always catch the slow and the weak (or people that are not careful who they add as contacts) so Don't be slow and weak.  Be fast like the gazelle.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Free is only Free if it's Free(Field & Stream)

The other day I received an envelope and on the outside it said Free Gift Inside,  and those of you who know me know that the only thing I like better than free is a Free Gift.  It was as I said just an envelope so I thought the gift must be small but a gift is a gift.  Inside I found no gift just an offer to subscribe and with the subscription I get a free tote bag.  Now I don't how things work at Field & Stream but in my world if I pay you than the gift is not really free it might be a bonus or an extra BUT IT'S NOT FREE.  Don't forget if it says it's free it's most likely not.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Drug testing it's not a crime.

Florida is the first state that is now going to require drug testing for welfare! Some people are crying this is unconstitutional. How is this unconstitutional? It's completely legal that every other working person had to pass a drug test in order to support those on welfare. Let's get Welfare back to the one's who NEED it, not those that just WANT it. A wise mad one said "you can lead a horse to water but it's really hard to get him to leave if the water is never ending and free"

Monday, May 30, 2011

Are You a BAD Person If you Don't Re Post

On Facebook you will see people putting things in their status updated that are indeed good posts but then they will say things like;

  1. If you are a good mother re post
  2. if you are a good father re post
  3. if you agree with this re post
  4. If you love your son re post
  5. if you love your daughter re post
  6. if your a good Christian re post
  7. If you support our soldiers re post
  8. If you support Democracy re post
  9. IF you think the President is wrong
The Only QUESTION I have is if you don't re post than do you not believe or support or love.  Why does it seem to me that we are being goaded into making the re post.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Can a Grape be a sample

If you are at the grocery store and you test a grape to see if you like them(not to sour not to sweet)is that
  1. Stealing from the store or
  2. Does the store expect you to sample them
Please vote by commenting #1 or #2

Monday, May 2, 2011

I have always wanted to be a pirate

I have always Wanted to be a PIRATE
Just a little video I made. :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Delta Airlines (NORTHWORST?) Maybe


I have been having a little trouble with delta lately, now let's back up to a few  years ago.  I used to fly on Northwest Airlines (they lived up to their nickname Northworst than their real name Northwest) and back then if I had the chance I would fly a different than chance it with them.  When I had the opportunity to start to fly again I decided to give them another try, I was pleasantly surprised everything ran pretty smoothly and somehow the Northworst nickname had left them.  Now along comes Delta they are going to buy Northwest and all will be wonderful.   Now let me tell you if there is one thing I like it's for things to be wonderful.  Delta took over changed the logo's, the colors of the planes and the uniforms and maybe not wonderful But everything went pretty well. Until October, back in October I flew out to Las Vegas to spend a little guy time.  On the way back our flight had mechanical problems it was going to be 2 hours late, well that 7:10 flight turned into an 11:45 flight which simple math is more than a couple of hours.  I know things happen so I forgive you.  Then I flew back from Syracuse NY. and at Detroit my flight was 30 Min. late for maintenance, hmm what's wrong with this plane.  Now 30 Min. is not a lot of time and things happen, so I forgive you(this is 2 late flight for 6 segments).  Fast forward to a trip to Grand Rapids MI went off with out a hitch.  Now were at 2 of 8 the ratio is going down and that's a good thing.  The next trip is for the family vacation to Lake Havasu City AZ., so on the way out my flight to Las Vegas is delayed for HMMMM maintenance, how long kids are restless 1 hour.  Okay once again 1 hour not the worst but starting to get tiresome but things happen and I forgive you.(3of 9)  Vacation went great, time spent on the water, hiking, Grand Canyon, Route 66, and many more.  Now back to Delta, vacations over need to fly home get to the airport, Plane lands to take us home might be just a couple minutes late no big deal.  Then the dreaded voice from overhead say fokes for those of you on flight # blah blah blah we have MAINTENANCE on board checking a couple of things and it won't be too long.  15 Min. later the voice assuring us just a bit longer.  45 Min. the voice says granted this not official but we hear the plane need a part that we do not have so the flight will not be canceled it will be stubbed and given a new # so we can fly out in the AM. We need to get re booked so we get in the long line (6:35 flight now 8:00) work our way to the front get re booked and we are asked would you like a meal voucher, yes we would they give us each 6 dollars.  Now I don't where they eat in the airport but 6 dollars, are we having a bottle of water for dinner.  They do also give us a hotel room at the Hooter's Casino(by the way taxi drivers do not like transportation vouchers from the airlines)and there is a line to check in get checked in and now it's 11:30pm need to be at the airport for a 6:35am flight so up at 4:00am.  Next morning get everyone going off to the airport get inside, check the monitors it says  6:35 flight DELAYED UNTIL 1:00PM.  Are you kidding me (insert bad words said in my head for the benefit of my kids)go through security get to the gate stand in long line to get re booked, they have us re booked on the 8:35 flight that's great where is it going to Memphis oops I don't live in Memphis.  Its a connecting flight to MSP okay print tickets were one ticket short, they booked one of our party through LA.  Some make changes longer layover in Memphis and we should be able to go home.  We do finally make it home only 18 hours late and I get a 50 dollar travel voucher, big deal.  I spent an extra day of parking 14 dollars, 2 cab rides 6 dollars in tips, 5 beers at the hotel 7.50 and the kids need more than 6 dollars to eat that should take care of my travel voucher!  Now I know that things happen and I DON'T forgive you, Delta turning into Northworst I think so.(4 of 10)
  A wise man once told me "fool me once shame on me fool me twice and I think I just may start walking rather than taking a ride on your crappy planes"

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What Gives McDonald's

I went to McDonald's to have lunch and ordered an Extra Value Meal ( I know not a quality health choice )I like to have hot mustard sauce with my fries ( not a big fan of ketchup ) and I was told that they would have to charge me for the extra condiment because it did not come with that  meal.  This is the not the 1st time this has happened lately and I really don't understand what the problem was I bought a meal not just fries and I would not be using any ketchup so it would be like a trade, an even swap.  My daughter orders chicken nuggets all the time and does not want any sauce so I asked if they didn't want any sauce with a meal it comes with do they get a credit, she looked at me like I was stupid and said no.  I said thanks and left and I don't think I will return to eat or buy fuel there again.  I wonder if the cost savings is worth the possible lost sales

 D.B. Cooper said "give the customer what they want" right before he jumped out of that Northwest plane.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


16 Ways to maintain a healthy level of insanity

1. At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hairdryer at passing cars, see if they slow down.

2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.

3. Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that.

4. Put a garbage can on your desk and label it "IN"

5. Put decaf in the coffee maker for three weeks. Once everyone is over their Caffeine addictions, switch to expresso.

6. Finish all your sentences with "In Accordance to the Prophecy".

7.Don't use any punctuation.

8. As often as possible, skip rather than walk.

9. Specify that your drive thru order is "To Go"

10. Sing Along at the Opera

11. Go to a poetry recital and ask why the poems don't rhyme.

12. Put mosquito netting around your work area and play tropical sounds all day.

13. When the money comes out of the ATM, scream "I WON I WON!!"

14. When leaving the zoo, start running towards the parking lot, yelling "Run for your lives, they're loose!!"

15. Tell your children over diner, "Due to the economy, we are going to have to let one of you go."

16. Send this to your friends to make them smile, It's called therapy.

Friday, March 4, 2011

I Like To Fly

I had the opportunity to fly into Albany, NY.  As we flew in and the plane dropped through the clouds I could see down below the edge of the city covered in white. (snow)  I also saw leafless trees that looked like tooth picks with arms lined up in rows, a few cars that appeared to be moving slowing along.  Everything seems calm and quiet and that's when I think I realized, I really like to fly.  Why do I like to fly, well for the most part it seems calm and quiet.  Yes not a big fan of airport security check points, not a big fan short connections and not a big fan of crying kids. The things I like are, once you are in the airport you're not going anywhere life seems to slow down a little.  You have a destination but it's on their time not on your time, you talk on your phone, get a bite to eat, work on your laptop or read a book.  Did I tell you that I like to read and it affords me extra time to read, maybe as much as three hours of quality reading.  Once you are on the plane your options shrink you are really not going anywhere.  You can play games on your phone or you can read (did I tell you I like to Read).  Once you fly over those tooth pick trees once you get closer to the ground everything seems to speed up.  That made me think about my life (which may be like yours).  It is always spent going from one place to another at what seems like warp speed.  You go to work getting as much done as possible( sometimes bringing work home at night) so you can come home at a reasonable hour.  If you have kids that can't drive (like mine) after dinner I will go one way with one kid and my wife will go another direction with a kid.  When the day ends it's 9 o'clock and for some or most it's time for bed because the morning will start a new day of the same routine.  Maybe that's why I like to fly, it's on someone else's schedule and it seems calm and it seems quiet.  Here's a quick quote I'm sure it was the Wright Brothers that said " If at first you don't succeed Fly, Fly Again".

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Top Ten Signs you NEED a New Dock

You know it’s time to replace that dock when…

1) If has so much shake and shimmy that you’ve nicknamed it Tina Turner.

2) Your neighbors have spotted it floating across the shore or down river.

3) It has acquired such a downward slope that the kids use it for a water slide.

4) There are so many green things growing on it, you can’t tell where the land ends and the dock begins.

5) Your brother-in-law used it for firewood the last time he was at the cabin.

6) The county sheriff has cited you for hazardous material in the water.

7) You have started to consider rust a beautiful color.

8) Your wife has started shopping for a dock.

9) You have to ask anyone who uses it if they’ve had a tetanus shot.

10) You need a buoy to mark its location.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

One Thing To Change

What I would like to do today is challenge everyone here to help me, why help me well because I can't do it by myself.  what can't I do by myself, well I can't get five hundred people to comment on my blog.  I can't get a hundred actually I have never had more than three on one post.  What I want is to pose a question to all of you, name one thing in the U.S or in the world that you would change if you could.  Would it be world hunger, the political system, political unrest anything, anything at all. please comment and re post it on Facebook, Twitter, your blog or any place your friends may wish comment on this.  I will at the end of one month tally the results and post them in a new blog.  I would like to see where our greatest interests lie.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Think Free

I come from a land far far away it was called high school.  When I went to high it was cool to wear a polo under your dress shirt, to have a mullet and if you were a girl nothing was better than super high eighties hair.  strange language " gag me with a spoon".  our music, any where from Christopher Cross to Def Leopard. Some may say I pushed the boundaries of strangeness when I was in high school and they may be correct, but it helped me to become who I am today and let me be a free thinker.  I have a thirteen year old daughter who thinks it completely fashionable along with her friends to wear glasses that are non prescription not just single colored but blue and white zebra stripped.  Oh i almost forgot the Tutu, purple jeans, yellow Tutu, pink shirt, custom made florescent converse high tops and socks that never match.  The one thing I think we all need to do is let our kids be those free thinkers.  As you grow up people tell you, go to college, get married,have some kids and provide for your family don't screw around and don't have any fun.  look at where it has gotten us, we have fallen behind other countries in education.  The only thing we export now it seems our jobs.  We've stopped being creative, we think when you go to work it's only about being serious.  Why is that all of the best ideas we came up with as kids ( maybe not all ) were from being free thinkers.  Live outside the box not in the box.  When we go to work goofing off is not the option but  we should be able to have fun in the form of free thinking be creative in all that we do.  My close personal friend Napoleon said " live free or die" I think it should have been "free think or we all die"

Monday, January 24, 2011

One Gift

We all have been given one GREAT GIFT called Life. No I not getting religious, more I was thinking of it as a Gift given to us by our parents. What I would like this post to do is get my readers involved ( all 6 of you ) I would like replies that explain what you do to use that gift to it's fullest extent. If you have children how do you instill in them the ideals to use the gift you gave them. let's see if anyone "Can Hear Me Now".