Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Top Ten Signs you NEED a New Dock

You know it’s time to replace that dock when…

1) If has so much shake and shimmy that you’ve nicknamed it Tina Turner.

2) Your neighbors have spotted it floating across the shore or down river.

3) It has acquired such a downward slope that the kids use it for a water slide.

4) There are so many green things growing on it, you can’t tell where the land ends and the dock begins.

5) Your brother-in-law used it for firewood the last time he was at the cabin.

6) The county sheriff has cited you for hazardous material in the water.

7) You have started to consider rust a beautiful color.

8) Your wife has started shopping for a dock.

9) You have to ask anyone who uses it if they’ve had a tetanus shot.

10) You need a buoy to mark its location.


  1. 11) when you walk on it, your ankles get wet
    12) you start tying your boat to it to secure the dock.
    13) You decide it is safer for gramma to swim in.
    14) to walk across it you need a balance bar like the Flying Wallendas.
    15) when you walk on it, your neighbors think you look like Rick Ocasek in "The Cars" video "Magic" (thats an 80's rock reference for you jim)
    16) it sounds like a good idea when your dock installer warns you that if you leave it in all winter, it may get destroyed.
