Friday, March 4, 2011

I Like To Fly

I had the opportunity to fly into Albany, NY.  As we flew in and the plane dropped through the clouds I could see down below the edge of the city covered in white. (snow)  I also saw leafless trees that looked like tooth picks with arms lined up in rows, a few cars that appeared to be moving slowing along.  Everything seems calm and quiet and that's when I think I realized, I really like to fly.  Why do I like to fly, well for the most part it seems calm and quiet.  Yes not a big fan of airport security check points, not a big fan short connections and not a big fan of crying kids. The things I like are, once you are in the airport you're not going anywhere life seems to slow down a little.  You have a destination but it's on their time not on your time, you talk on your phone, get a bite to eat, work on your laptop or read a book.  Did I tell you that I like to read and it affords me extra time to read, maybe as much as three hours of quality reading.  Once you are on the plane your options shrink you are really not going anywhere.  You can play games on your phone or you can read (did I tell you I like to Read).  Once you fly over those tooth pick trees once you get closer to the ground everything seems to speed up.  That made me think about my life (which may be like yours).  It is always spent going from one place to another at what seems like warp speed.  You go to work getting as much done as possible( sometimes bringing work home at night) so you can come home at a reasonable hour.  If you have kids that can't drive (like mine) after dinner I will go one way with one kid and my wife will go another direction with a kid.  When the day ends it's 9 o'clock and for some or most it's time for bed because the morning will start a new day of the same routine.  Maybe that's why I like to fly, it's on someone else's schedule and it seems calm and it seems quiet.  Here's a quick quote I'm sure it was the Wright Brothers that said " If at first you don't succeed Fly, Fly Again".

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