Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Google What you GET

Now I know what some of you may be thinking, that if I know what I'm going to get why would I google it that's not my point exactly.  I am still surprised that when people are looking for an answer, information or a video they will say that they cannot not figure this out.  Then my answer is to google it and you will get the desired results, ok maybe not every time but you may be surprised how often the answers lies within Google.  Case in point, my daughter (Miranda) wanted to know how to double space using the latest version of word, I was doing something at the time that she asked so I told her that I would be there in a minute.  When I went to see if I could help her she said it's all good I Googled it.  Now let's not tell her but if I could have not seen how to do it quickly that's what I would have done.

Therefore my friends Google it and you will GET it