Monday, June 20, 2011

LinkedIn Lions

The Lion Within Us

Just a quick update about our friendly tool LinkedIn,  don't forget to look up the people that you link to there are a lot of people out there that are after numbers only and don't care about the quality of the contacts.  Another quick note is just because SOMEONE you know or work with is linked to someone else that does not mean that they should be a link of yours.  Remember that the only contact that you need are ones that can be mutually beneficial.  In closing the LION can always catch the slow and the weak (or people that are not careful who they add as contacts) so Don't be slow and weak.  Be fast like the gazelle.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Free is only Free if it's Free(Field & Stream)

The other day I received an envelope and on the outside it said Free Gift Inside,  and those of you who know me know that the only thing I like better than free is a Free Gift.  It was as I said just an envelope so I thought the gift must be small but a gift is a gift.  Inside I found no gift just an offer to subscribe and with the subscription I get a free tote bag.  Now I don't how things work at Field & Stream but in my world if I pay you than the gift is not really free it might be a bonus or an extra BUT IT'S NOT FREE.  Don't forget if it says it's free it's most likely not.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Drug testing it's not a crime.

Florida is the first state that is now going to require drug testing for welfare! Some people are crying this is unconstitutional. How is this unconstitutional? It's completely legal that every other working person had to pass a drug test in order to support those on welfare. Let's get Welfare back to the one's who NEED it, not those that just WANT it. A wise mad one said "you can lead a horse to water but it's really hard to get him to leave if the water is never ending and free"